We can help you plan the perfect, bespoke wine tour…

A flexible service to individuals and groups, with help in planning a wine tour in the top wine producing countries and top wine tourism destinations around the world, to create the perfect, bespoke wine holiday, wine vacation or incentive trip.

We take a detailed brief, starting with learning all about you and your tour expectations, then plan a tailored wine tour, with daily wine tour itineraries, working as appropriate, with our in-region experts.

Our service ranges from delivering a plan with multiple options which you can select from and book directly, to a more managed solution, which can involve us managing, supervising or joining the tour.

planning a wine tour

Save time and money

We save you time and money researching a wine tour. Benefit from our excellent contacts in the world’s top wine regions, with local wineries, wine tourism providers and tour operators.

You just pay for our time, our experience, our knowledge and our contacts to enable you to plan the best possible wine travel experience.

Be assured

We work with a multi award-winning tour operator as appropriate, when putting together package tours. This provides the backing of a large UK based HQ and a unique financial protection scheme to give you financial security and peace of mind when booking your wine tour.

Confidence you will enjoy the most authentic and immersive experience in your chosen wine region or wine tourism destination, tailored to you.

Our wine tour recommendations are not just researched, they are tried and tested, either by us or our local experts.

The most authentic experience

Our wine tours

  • wine regions - Douro Portugal

    Wine regions

    We cover the best wine regions in the world, but we also uncover lesser-known and more underrated wine regions, which we believe deserve to be shared with the world!

  • Best vineyards, wineries and wine producers

    Wineries & wine producers

    We include the best wine producers, wineries and vineyards in the world, but we also like to introduce you to something new!

    We shine a light on wine producers passionate about sustainability and sustainable wines and connecting with wine lovers keen to learn about their wines.

  • Winery hotel, vineyard accommodation,


    Where to stay is a key consideration and an important element of your overall experience and connection with the region.

    We offer different options, including where possible winery hotels and vineyard accommodation.

  • food and wine travel - sampling local foods

    Food and wine travel

    It goes without saying that food and wine go together and discovering the different local foods, gastronomy and traditional dishes of a region are key to your wine tour!

    We suggest food and wine travel options for you to really experience a region’s gastronomy!

  • sightseeing in a wine region

    Sights & scenery

    It would be remiss not to allow time for sight-seeing and soaking up the natural beauty of a wine region.

    Exploring a region’s history, culture and traditions is all part of a wine tour experience!

  • Wellness activities, sports, wine bike tours in a wine region

    Activities, arts & culture

    We recognise that the typical ‘wine tourist’ may also be interested in active outdoor pursuits, eg wine bike tours, or perhaps wellbeing activities, or the arts and music, as well as nature and the environment.

    We always try to include an element of this into our wine tours.


Get in touch

Contact us now to discuss how we can help you plan the perfect wine tour! - or alternatively fill in our tour questionnaire!

planning a wine tour in a wine region